Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My need to lighten up continues

I just got off the treadmill, where I had been watching an Ace of Cakes episode on the DVR. This particular episode featured, among other things, a cake for a 6-year-old boy. It was a big deal for the members of the AOC crew, since they had made a cake for all of the boy's previous birthdays.

Now I could have let a sentimental smile wash over me, and think how lucky these people are to watch this little boy grow up in a way. They have shared in a very special part of the life with his whole family. They've seen the love and creativity displayed by his parents at each specially-themed party.

Instead I thought, "Are you KIDDING me?" His parents have paid through the nose for a special birthday cake, plus decorated the whole house in a ranch theme, plus brought in a PETTING ZOO?! Yes - a petting zoo with baby animals including pigs, lambs, ducks, rabbits, and I can't remember what else, besides a pony for pony rides. In their back yard.

I couldn't help but think these parents will have a heck of a time upping the ante every year. What is this kid's 16th birthday party going to involve? Hookers and tequila shots for his high school classmates?

As you can imagine, I'm not exactly the 'fun' parent in my household. No wonder I felt a strange kinship for Justin's father when I first read Justin's twitter feed.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

This is the funniest Twitter feed thing I've ever read! OMG, I laughed hard!