Like home, there are bike paths and neighborhoods to run through. However, streets and trails are bordered by sand mixed in with the crab grass. Like home, I hear the call of cat birds and blue jays as I run. But here, a quick glance at the sky will often be met with the flapping and swooping of pelicans and osprey.

Like home, houses are accented by roses, marigolds, vinca. But here, planting beds are also populated with variations of cactus and palms. Knobby pines and rosemary bushes grow wild on the roadside. Grasses sway elegantly on the dunes.
Nothing at home, however, compares to the colors and emotions of the ocean. The water was so warm and so clear this year. Each day as I watched, I was greeted with a marvelous variety of jewel tones. In the frothing surf near the shore, sparkling turquoise. Depending on the day and sunlight, cresting waves shone in tones of emerald, sapphire, jade, tourmaline, and peridot.

On calm days, tiny waves broke infrequently, allowing the transparent surf to reflect the sky. I saw clearly the sand and pebbles beneath, the color of brown sugar, on closer inspection. On rougher days, sprays shot skyward, bright white, like regularly timed cheers.

The sound - whether a lulling dull roar, or smashing relentless pounding, filled me with happiness.
I could spend an eternity taking in the colors, sounds and smell of these barrier islands. I could contentedly explore the bright middles and subtle corners of every season here. I could revel in the wildness that seems perennially ready to reclaim the land around the homes we have rented. I would be satisfied to just to

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