Thursday, December 15, 2011

Don't say it out loud

I still work from home, part-time, so why am I so exhausted?  Yes, it's the holiday season.  Yes, I have kids.  But I have 1.5 - my daughter, and my step-daughter, the latter of the two only here half-time.  It's not like have 19 Kids and Counting.  And I have a husband who often works from home, and is therefore around to help with This and That.

And yet, at the end of the day, I 'flop' on the sofa and watch TV and think, "Thank GOD that's over.  Soon I'll be sleeping, but only after I lounge here and see if these idiots pick house #3."  I feel like I made it through  something, but.... Why will tomorrow be any different?  And what really did I get through, except being alive?

KP posted on Facebook a cocktail conversation question - if you could take a pill that would allow you to live forever, would you?  Some answered, 'If it was a gelcap,' or 'If I could keep my 29-year-old body.'  I replied something goofy, like, 'Are you crazy?  Who wants to be here the day the sun explodes?  Not this gal.'

When we went out to dinner, I asked her what her answer would be, and she replied, 'No WAY.  Death is the point.  You only get one shot and you have to be able to say you either did something with your time or you didn't.'  Good point.  I just can't imagine being here forever, but didn't elaborate.  She didn't ask.

I look forward to sleeping.

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