J took an empty oatmeal canister, covered it with paper, decorated it, and declared it her Compliment Can.
"Your what?"
"My Compliment Can. Every time I get a compliment, I'll put a cork* in it. When I have 10 corks, I'll make you a drawing surprise!"
My. Well....that's....inventive? Manipulative? Cute? It took about 2 hours to get her 10 corks, and I was careful to note when the compliments came naturally. And that was just about every time. I was gratified to realize I do tend to lavish her with honest compliments ("You did a good job putting the cards away. Great listening!"), and thought their might be hope for me as a mom after all. Don't get me wrong - I'm aware no awards are coming my way, but at least there's some positive in there to offset my snapiness.
I'm kidding of course - it's not about me. Truly, it was wonderful to see her preen under our attention. And it's always wonderful to inspire an authentic J work-of-art. The whole thing created a happy, loving mood to the day. Simple moments of pleasure thanks to the heart and soul of a 6 year-old.
*You can only imagine all the corks we have laying around with our wine habit.
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